The arrival of a new baby is big news! Let the world know by using sky lanterns to welcome your new bundle of joy!

Many sites that sell sky lanterns, or wish lanterns, have them available in multiple colors. Choose pink to announce a baby girl and blue if you have a baby boy!

One of the first milestones for baby and family is the baptism. As parents, you'll look at several baptism gowns before finding the perfect one. Keep in mind, this outfit is not only going to be worn once and then forgotten about. Often times baptism gowns are kept and handed down to the next child or in some cases, to the baby's children - a long ways down the road.

If you are looking for a baptism gown for a little girl, this Silk Dupioni Bubble Gown is perfect! It is slightly off white in color with elegant bubble tucking enhanced by natural rayon pearled flowerettes and natural venise lace. It also comes with a hat. You can find this gown at SimplyBabyGifts.com